Chilled Food Associates

A food industry resource


Latest publications

Risk presented to minimally processed chilled foods by psychrotrophic Bacillus cereus. TIFST 5/9/19. 
Risk Assessment of Botulism from Chilled, VP/MAP (Vacuum Packed/Modified Atmosphere Packed) Fresh Meat held at 3°C to 8°C
. For MLA & BMPA, with QIB. 26 March 2019
Chemicals in Food Hygiene Volume 1 - The optimal usage of cleaning agents, sanitizers & disinfectants to minimize the risk of traces in food. GFSI. March 2019
he Relationship of Sanitizers, Disinfectants and Cleaning Agents with Microbial Resistance
Journal of Food Protection (submitted August 2018)
Tracking Down the Genes of Foodborne Pathogens.
IFST Food Science & Technology, May 2017.
IFST Fresh Produce Safety Information Statement (3rd ed)
Water Quality Management Guidance (3rd ed), CFA.
ISBN 978-1-901798-21-0.
Cleaning up biocides legislation.
IFST Food Science & Technology.