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Kaarin Goodburn appointed to new GFSI Technical Working Group on Chemicals in Food Hygiene

Kaarin Goodburn, as Director of the Chilled Food Association, Rapporteur on biocides for the European Chilled Food Federation and leading force in the UK’s Food & Biocides Industry Group  has been appointed to this new Global Food Safety Initiative Technical Working Group.

Amongst the TWG’s aims are development of guidance to standardise the usage of cleaning agents with regard to the carry over risks of traces of undesirable chemical substances. This mirrors FBIG’s own established guidance which, together with several years concerted lobbying, played a major role in securing the European Commission’s agreement in March 2017 to modify the approach to consideration of biocidal actives under the Biocidal Products Regulation.

Other aspects to be covered by the TWG:

  1. Develop good manufacturing practices specifying the intended usage of biocides and cleaning agents considering carry over risks of residues into foods and beverages
  2. Review current global regulatory landscape on biocides.
  3. Define and recommend fit for purpose analytical methods for verification
  4. Develop guideline on biocides and cleaning agents considering global application across the whole value chain.
  5. Develop industry position on cleaning agents and microbial resistance for sharing with national and supranational associations.
  6. Develop roadmap for advocacy regarding the proposed guideline at national, regional (EC) and international (Codex) level.

Kaarin is one of 15 experts appointed to the new TWG, and is chairing the Microbial Resistance Sub-Group. TWG members participate on a volunteer basis, both independently throughout the year, and collaboratively during the face-to-face GFSI Technical Working Group meetings.

The TWG mandate lasts 18 months, with the first meeting being held 19-20 October 2017.

TWG members were selected based on their experience in:
  • the usage of biocides and cleaning agents in food industry
  • microbiological food safety
  • risk assessment of chemical substances
  • microbial resistance
  • regulatory affairs
  • GFSI projects and working groups
  • development of strategy papers and guidelines
Kaarin said: “I am delighted to be appointed to this important group. As FBIG we have been leading on UK activity and that in the EU, achieving significant regulatory and policy breakthroughs which aim to protect public health both in terms of microbiological food safety assurance and residual presence of biocides post-hygiene. I hope that FBIG’s work will be amplified through the GFSI TWG as it is of vital importance globally.

September 2017